Service & REhersal

The ceremony marks a key turning point in your child’s life and captures their transition into adulthood. This landmark in their life deserves special attention and care, and making sure that it is captured perfectly is no different. 

I aim as your photographer to show the significance of the event and to portray the joy of your child. I am always honoured to be  given the privilege chosen to take part of this special occasion.  

How Long is a typical family portrait photo shoot?

A typical family or personal portrait photo shoot can range from 60 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the package you choose.

Do you use flash during the ceremony?

It depends on the specific conditions of the ceremony. In some cases, a flash may be necessary, but I try to avoid using it during the ceremony if possible. That being said, I will avoid using flash photography upon request of the family or the venue/synagogue.

Are there any restrictions on photography during the ceremony?

There may be restrictions on photography during the ceremony, so it’s important to check with your rabbi or officiant beforehand.

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